Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Granite vs Quartz Countertops

There sure are a lot of people looking to replace their current countertops. Countertops are big business and the first thing that's usually discussed during a kitchen refresh or make over is replacing them.

The most popular high end surface is without a doubt granite. It's a beautiful surface that wears extremely well in the kitchen.

A popular alternative to granite are quartz countertops. Quartz is also a beautiful surface that stands up to the heavy abuse that we often put our kitchen surfaces through.

When you compare granite vs quartz you'll see that there are a couple key differences between the two.

The most important difference is in the maintenance. Quartz requires pretty much none while granite needs to be sealed every twelve to eighteen months. It's not a complicated process and you can do it in about a half an hour or so. It's much like waxing a car.

If you start to slack on this yearly chore you might notice that stains don't clean up as easily as they once do. You might not be able to see it but bacteria may be growing in hidden crevices of the countertop. Granites biggest downfall is also one of its biggest selling points. The fact that it's a natural stone.

Since it is a stone it's porous and stains and bacteria can find a place to hide in those pores. Seal them up with a granite sealant and you'll be all set though.

Because quartz is a mixture of natural stone and rock hard resin it's nonporous and doesn't allow stains and bacteria to settle into it.

That's the biggest difference between the two. If you want to learn more specifics about granite vs quartz you can visit the links throughout this article. They'll go a bit more in depth and help you to make your decision.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks for posting this i just moved and so im looking for new ideas and wasnt sure what was better granite vs. quartz countertops in vancouver so this helped me out a lot. Thank you for posting this!

  3. Thanks for the post, and I haven't seen that many people get quartz countertops. I've mostly only seen people getting granite countertops for their home, why exactly is that?

  4. This blog has converted me! I'll have to start looking into quartz countertops in Vancouver. I'd love to replace my current ones in the kitchen as soon as I have the money.
